Micheile Dot Com/Unsplash. The scarcity mindset manifests itself in the style sense of an individual.
Whenever you receive or buy a valuable item of clothing, the best response is to save it for a better occasion or a good day. Most of us are of the belief that if we use a valuable item too quickly, then it will go to waste and we won't be able to use it for longer, especially in terms of clothes. This is a classic sign of the scarcity mindset, when you act out of the belief that you have a limited number of resources, and you use them sparingly in fear of running out, and you feel as if you will lose it forever. The feeling is manifested in daily life, in small and unnoticeable forms, like hardly using your expensive face cream, or could be as big as not taking a risk in your stagnant career.

Amadeo Valar/Unsplash. People tend to feel more productive and happier when they let go of feelings of inadequacy.
Psychologists have studied this scarcity mindset and have come to the conclusion that people tend to be less efficient when they feel if a thing or a resource is running out. The mindset takes over your mental capacity concerned with day to day planning and troubleshooting. When your mind is occupied by feelings of scarcity,you tend to be constantly occupied with plans of keeping up with limited resources, which can limit cognitive functions and lead to a self-defeating mindset.

Sara Dabaghian/Unsplash. Do not wait for the right occassion to wear your favorite outfits. Pause and think, ‘why am I choosing lack over lsutre?’
When it comes to fashion, the scarcity mindset can manifest itself in various ways. Sometimes, a person with a scarcity mindset would want to use up a new clothing item so as not to lose its luster, shine and newness. Saving clothes for bigger occasions or better days is another sign of the scarcity mindset. This hinders our ability to enjoy our wardrobe the way we wish, and makes us feel inadequate and incomplete. This may even lead to a diminished cognitive ability, and we may feel negatively about ourselves and other things in life. The ability to think rationally and problem-solving also reduces greatly, as a lot of mental space is taken up by planning and saving your valuable clothes for better days.
So the next time when you save a clothing skincare or makeup product waiting for another ‘good’ day, pause and ask yourself, why am I choosing lack over luster? Is reserving particular outfits for better days really that important? Or can I wear a special outfit today, and make this a good day?